Learn more about my journey through healing & expansion

About Me

Handmade Crystal Jewelry

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a channel?

A Channeler is someone who is able to surrender their conscience mind enough to be able to receive information from external sources (ex: loved ones, angels, ascended masters, spirit guides) 

To help others gain confirmation, clarity, and insight on current energies surrounding them

How do readings work?

I don’t normally use any cards or tools as I don’t find them necessary for receiving information but for fun and physical confirmation for the client if they so request 

Normally I just sit back, relax my consciousness and allow light to flow through opening myself to light body energies to access information

I then ask you for your verbal confirmation to enter your energetic bubble and connect to your vibrational tuning

How does distant reiki work?

In Distant sessions, at a mutually agreeable time, the client and I connect energetically.   It is my focus and intent to send the energy to the client and the client's willingness to receive it that allows healing to take place. The Reiki energy is directed to similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session